Andy Buru: On Shame

Shame more than laws govern the world. A monopoly of external violence enforces the law, while shame is internally self-regulating based on what we believe is right and wrong. And very often, we are harsh judges and deem ourselves unlovable. Playing with shame is paradoxical because we consciously and consensually invite another into this internal process. May it be a loved one or a witnessing audience. And hopefully, their violently harsh and caretakingly sweet judgements are more loveable than our self-sabotaging and limiting beliefs. Kill it with love, and marvel at the process. Closely related are humiliation and degradation, to be put below something, abandoning all pride, being made one with the earth’s dirt. Descending this abyss makes us humble towards who deserves it. Or perhaps life itself.

Playing with shame requires elegance, as it is an emotionally masochistic journey. Too much physical hardship scares the shy shame away, so one must master their bondage and whip to a level where they become keys to the subconscious. Just as physical masochism, shame raises arousal, blood rushing to reddening cheeks, and therefore marries well with esoteric eroticism. But if it’s too much, we shut down, disassociate, and freeze. It’s a tender balancing act. Many are often also ashamed of their sexuality for being too much, too sluty, or not being enough, too prude. The madonna and the whore. Temporarily leaving these intimate judgements to another allows one to indulge, submit and surrender.

Shame is also at the heart of erotic rope bondage; by exposing, shaping and presenting the body, we touch the mind and soul. Physically challenging ties partially suspended in the air may serve to wither down the protective walls that we so desperately try to lower by ourselves. To let others in, to be vulnerable. Did I say that consent is key? And so is the face because it is how we present ourselves to the world, in language and gestures; it wears the duality crown of beauty and intellect. Expect clamped tounges, devious seductive words, drips of drool, and rope-leased necks beckoned to follow along. But, most foremost, expect to be seen in your shame, vulnerability and beauty.


If tight ropes and contorted body postures express physical masochism, then shame is the core of the emotional counterpart. Beauty, competence and elegance are all masks we wear to fit in. What if they are dropped or lovingly torn off to expose that raw, unfiltered you?

Andy Buru

Andy is a student of theatre and tea, a medical massage therapist, a former organizational coach, a conscious kinkster, and a teacher of European and Japanese rope bondage. Living in Stockholm, Sweden and working around northern Europe. During his fifteen years of BDSM, he has been a slave, an owner, a hedonist, a purist, a magician, and a slut.

My work aims to create magical rooms where people can rest, heal and grow. My tools, spirit and experience spring from neuro-semantic team building, medical massage therapy, European theatre, and Japanese rope bondage.

I work with both groups and individuals, and I love that the world is allowed to be complicated because that makes every meeting unique. My time in Japan engraved into me the presence, passion and embrace for the glimpse of zen that exists in every movement of life – and this I gladly share with you in a session, workshop, or with a cup of tea.



What to expect this weekend
This is for both beginners and more experienced and you are welcome with (poly-)partners, lovers, friends or you can come solo.
All exercises will be done in pairs or trios. Switching partners as well as roles is possible but not required during the event.

Date: Friday 21. June to Sunday 23. June 2024

17:30 Doors open
18:00 – 21:00 Workshop
09:00 Doors open
10:00 – 13:00 Workshop
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch Break
15:00 – 18:00 Workshop
18:30 – Dinner at Fladerei Skodagasse
09:00 Doors open
10:00 – 13:00 Workshop
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch Break
15:00 – 18:00 Workshop

Feminine Movement Vienna – Lange Gasse 65, 1080 Wien

Tickets (7/22 available)
300€ per person

basic rope skills

We ask all participants to register individually at
(Let us know if you prefer to work with one specific partner or if you want to switch partners. Both options will be available.)


Lunchbreaks together or by yourselves (a lot of great food places are nearby!)
Snacks, coffee, etc. are provided on location.


  • Comfortable clothes
  • rope (six+)
  • personal comfort items
  • note taking utensils

We are looking forward to welcoming you at this fantastic workshop!